
The sport of powerlifting comprises three lifts: the Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift.  Powerlifting competitions may be comprised of one, two or all three of these lifting categories.

Athletes are categorized by age, male/female and bodyweight.  Each Athlete (lifter) is allowed three attempts at each lift, and the best lift in each category is added to their total.

The lifter with the highest total is the winner.  In cases where two or more lifters achieve the same total, the person with the lightest bodyweight wins.

Our Special Olympics Athletes train with our coaches typically two times per week and we strive to train year-round. The Coaches closely monitor each Athlete’s progress on each lifting category.  The Coaches work with each Athlete to improve their strength, conditioning, and lifting technique.  The most important aspect of the powerlifting program is that our Athletes have fun and enjoy the process of increasing their health and fitness goals.

To participate in powerlifting, athlete needs to be 14 or older.



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